What are we reading…or have read recently.
Did you know?!?! Financial Independents often exhibit certain habits that contribute to their success. Here are some key points about their approach to learning and personal development:
Constant Learning: Financial Independents are voracious readers and lifelong learners. They understand that staying ahead in protecting and growing their finances requires continuous adaptation and knowledge acquisition. Whether through reading books, attending conferences, hiring coaches, or taking courses, they invest in their own growth.
Self-Improvement: Learning and self-improvement are top priorities for Financial Independents. They actively seek out new knowledge and skills to enhance their abilities and stay competitive.
Reading Habits: Books are a profitable investment for Financial Independents. Many of the world’s highest achievers appreciate reading and credit it as a key factor in their success.
In summary, the commitment to lifelong learning and a thirst for knowledge are common traits among Financial Independents, who typically become Millionaires.
Choose from our curated collection of must read books and financial products to purchase from Amazon.
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Title: The Simple Path to Wealth
Author: JL Collins
JL Collins (The Godfather of FI) explores and simplifies the path to Financial Independence. Since money is the single most powerful tool we have for navigating this complex world we've created, understanding it is critical. Unfortunately, benign neglect of things financial leaves you open to the charlatans of the financial world. The people who make investing endlessly complex, because if it can be made complex it becomes more profitable for them, more expensive for us, and we are forced into their waiting arms.
Topics: Must Reads, Finance, FIRE
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3K2xdar
Title: Quit Like a Millionaire
Author: K. Shen & B. Leung
Kristy Shen retired with a million dollars at the age of thirty-one, and she did it without hitting a home run on the stock market, starting the next Snapchat in her garage, or investing in hot real estate. Learn how to cut down on spending without decreasing your quality of life, build a million-dollar portfolio, fortify your investments to survive bear markets and black-swan events, and use the 4 percent rule and the Yield Shield--so you can quit the rat race forever. Not everyone can become an entrepreneur or a real estate baron; the rest of us need Shen's mathematically proven approach to retire decades before sixty-five.
Topics: Finance, FIRE
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3K6v6T0
Title: Choose FI
Author: Chris Mamula, Brad Barrett, Jonathan Mendonsa
If you are in debt, bad with money, or looking for a straightforward way to take command of your finances, this book is for you. This isn't just another personal finance book or budgeting guide telling you how to live like someone else. This book will give you the framework for success from dozens of people who have found their own path to financial independence.
Topics: Finance, FIRE
Amazon: https://amzn.to/4aobaFW